Base examples

Let’s define a small helper function:

def print_me(msg, val):

    print("{}: {}".format(msg, val))

Let’s print the tolerance:

print_me("The default value for the tolerance is", TOL)

The default value for the tolerance is: 1e-10

Find the accuracy of this computer:

j, d = machine_accuracy()

print_me("Number of significant BITS in the mantissa\t", j)

Number of significant BITS in the mantissa  : 52.0

print_me("Number of significant DIGITS in a decimal number", d)

Number of significant DIGITS in a decimal number: 15

Print the suffixes for some ordinal numbers:

print_me("The suffix for ordinal 2 is", get_ordinal_suffix(2))

The suffix for ordinal 2 is: nd

print_me("The suffix for ordinal 16 is", get_ordinal_suffix(16))

The suffix for ordinal 16 is: th